CAPPD Crew, Where ya'at? We are back with the PT7 of our Toronto pop- up Tour!
This time the business is true... and the Grillz are Ital!
This October 28th & 29th, We'll be hosting our seventh Pop-Up at Goldspell 739 Bloor st W, Toronto, M6g 1L6 (opposite Christie Pits).
This October 28th & 29th, We'll be hosting our seventh Pop-Up at Goldspell 739 Bloor st W, Toronto, M6g 1L6 (opposite Christie Pits).
You'll be able to style your smile with those caps you've been dreaming of since you first saw them on TikTok, Pinterest, IG, or your bedroom vision board.
1-Things are super tight this weekend so please make sure you're on time to your appointments, Lateness could mean having to come back at a later time when spaces free up a little.
2-Familiarize yourselves with your pinterest ideas and moodboards, so you dont spend 15 out of your 20 allotted minutes, deciding wether you want the heart window, or a star!
3-Payment is made upfront. We like to Estimate 2-3 weeks on our order forms but things could take longer as expected during these rush periods!
If you've recently joined the CAPPD Crew, then you already know da vibez - if you haven't, well, sorry to hear that.
Check out our updated price list for the latest estimates on your styles.